Monday, July 7, 2014

All caught up - July 7th :)

Hey Mom and Dad,
This has been a great week. So I mentioned to the kids about the Sister that we also made cry. She explained to us how here little baby Nephew is in the hospital again. But by reading the 17th Chapter of 3 Nephi, she was reminded how much Heavenly Father and Christ Loves us. And their special relationship with the little children. It was a powerful lesson. Highlight of my week. This Gospel truly is wonderful. I find such great joy and happiness. 
Mom that is  really cool picture. Meagan did good. I am happy you guys had a great 4th of July. And thanks for including me. At least you didn't make a cardboard cut out for the 4th, it probably would have my luck and burn itself. :) 
I will be able to notify you about transfers next week (or through a picture). I wish to go to Bots soon as well. But I too know that the Lord is in charge. I probably have such a great testimony of that because of my wonderful parents. :) 

My headaches have been good. Surprisingly I made it through Sunday as I did a 22 hour fast (i started kinda late on Saturday) and with a little bit of a cold. No major headaches. I was able to make it through a take an ibuprofen in time to stop a rather small headache. Stress and water are probably big reasons for me as well. It is sometimes stressful to be missionaries. 

So we are teaching a boy named Soso and his mom, Nonsklelo. She is the one who almost cried. We are still teaching Bro Mafeking (it is kinda hard to work around his busy schedule) and a couple of others. These are the closest to baptism. Last week we did rebaptize someone who somehow lost her records or any proof of baptism. Yesterday I confirmed her. So that was cool. She had been pretty active for many years, spent some time inactive, and then was reactivated and then was stronger than ever. She is a big help with missionary work. 
Bishop and Brother Mongezi are doing very well. Holding on. Being strong. Mongezi might end up moving to East London though...change of scenery. So that will be hard but we will have to get those missionaries down there to help him. 
Thanks mom for being so great. Thanks for your Prayers and thoughts. I love you! Have a great week too. 

Dad- Thanks for that wonderful email. Perfect thoughts for this week. I can't wait to get home and talk about missions. I will be able to understand so much more. 
Down here (especially during the winter) the power has some crazy things happen. In the Township where I work it is not rare to have power go out in the most inconvenient times. But we make do. I am happy to hear that everything went well and that people were willing to come and help. That would be hard to do on a holiday. 
Which It sounds like you guys had a great weekend. 
I am so excited for Bryant. There is somewhere that he is needed and somewhere that he needs. I feel that South Africa is that for me right now. but Hopefully Botswana will come into the Picture soon. :) I will wait on the Lord though. 
My efforts are in strengthening people. Member and their confidence in sharing the gospel, recent converts preparing for a lifelong journey, investigators preparing to take some steps of faith, and less actives who are struggling. 
One thing that we have been sharing is the fact that we are Children of God. That there is something wonderful in that phrase. He didn't create us to do nothing. But we have greatness within us. There is a light and we need to share it. Also we have been using the Book of Mormon even more. Helping people gain a testimony of it. Nonskelelo is a great example of that. 
I love this gospel.
I am looking forward to transfers. I can't wait to continue to move forward. It will be sad to say good-bye to the wonderful people I have met. But the time has come. (?). There is more to come. I haven't gotten my news yet, but Elder Cathemer got a call from President Merrill this morning telling him that he is stepping up to be a District Leader. That will be great for him. I am so excited to see his growth. He is a great companion. I have learned from him and I look forward to learning from others. 
We taught a wonderful thought dealing with Isaiah 40:28-31 and tied it into the Strippling Warriors. And it touched me more than anything. We need to wait on the Lord. I am grateful to serve Him. I love you Dad! Thanks!

I hope you guys have a great week. Thank you for your emails and prayers. I love you very very much. The Time is going very fast. Soon moments like this will be but a memory. But I will make these moments count. Thank you for all that you have taught me. I miss you all, but as we are all doing the same work, we are still very close. Keep it up! 
I love you!
Love, your son, Elder Pennington      

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