Monday, June 1, 2015

May 25th 2015

Hey You Guys!

This has been quite the week. We are been working hard and having a blast. Plus we have been fed very well. In a normal week we might have 2 dinner appiontments. For us this week. This is day three of a series of Dinner appointments. We had 3 people feed us on Saturday. We had 2 people feed us yesterday. And today we have two possibles. We didn't plan for any of this. But we will not complain. Full tummys are always nice :) 
But on a more serious note our ward has been doing some fasting for our Bishop. Bishop Parsons has been having some liver problems. During the last month he has been in the ICU. It is just up down up down for him right now. It has been had for his family. Then on the ward side there is no First counselor, so the Second Counselor has been carrying everything. He has been truly strengthened at this time too. So just as a note if you can keep Bishop Parsons in your prayers that would be great. Thanks
Despite all of that our week has been pretty good. We have had may wonderful lessons. Helped Brother Burger move some furniture. That took about 20 minutes, but than we took the next hour to look at pictures and he would tell us stories. It was pretty cool. He is a great man. Lived quite the life. Some times I wonder what kind of old person I am going to be :) 
But that is about it for now.

Dad, Things are going good on this side. Memorial day doesn't really change things around here. I don't know why :) I have written Mason. but it has been a couple of weeks. I am going to do it now. 
Sound like things are moving forward over there. That is cool. Brother Burger is a pretty good family history expert. He owns a series of Books that index the white familys here in South Africa. It is several Decades old. So he helps out some people in the Ward. Really fun to hear the stories. 
I am doing well. We are on our search for those families. We found this great couple, had a couple of good lessons with them. Powerful and great understanding. Then we invited them to church. They said they would come and insisted we set up an appointment at church. Then they didn't show :( but we are getting there. Like you say we just need to keep pushing forward. 
I can't wait for Bry day. Soon right :) I love you Dad!

Mom, It was a good week. Sadly if I do get a nap, it is during lunch for about 15 minutes. but they always feel so good :) I remember when Bry did that poem. I hope Heidi Enjoyed it. 
I hope the package gets here too. Can't wait. As far as birthday goes it probably is safer to just get stuff here. Crazy customs sometimes throws in some crazy tarriffs. Luckily our packages are just right and don't take much to get in this country. Thank you so much for them. They make me smile so much. 
Even after a year, my shoes are great, clothes are great. My suit needs to be cleaned so that is alright. Rain wise I think that my jacket is perfect. I got my umbrella is ready. Overall I think I am fine. Now that I got the camera all settled. I even got a funny case (it is a home sock. I sent a picture of it.) Thank you for taking care of me so well. I will give it some thought. 
The work is nice. Moving forward. I like that idea. We can't handle it alone. Nor was that the plan. This is about growing. And "nothing can make of us what He can." That is something that Brad Wilcox talked about in the book "the Continuous Atonement." I am very grateful for the Atonement. I am very grateful for my Savior. 
Mom Thanks for being so great. I love you and hope your week is fantastic.

Bry- Love YOU!

Meagan, Congrats on making class secretary. You will do great. That will be fun to serve with Courtney. Have fun! And you planned a date? thanks for the detail. I can;t believe you can plan dates now. Crazy. Good luck with finals though. You will do well. You can even ask for a blessing to help calm your nerves. No stress! Enjoy you week. Make the most of it. Beat the System! Love you!!

Heidi, O Sister, my Sister. I hear you did well. You are almost graduated. Wow!! I hope you have a fun final week. Summer is almost here. I am going into winter here. Weird how this world is huh? have a great week though. Love You Heidi!!

Jera, Love you too!

I love you all very much! Enjoy your week!

Love, Elder Pennington the Elder

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