Monday, October 5, 2015

Sept 28th 2015

Hey you guys!!!!

Well I have had yet another wonderful week in George. Nothing major happening. The work is picking up sure but steady. Things are moving forward. Elder Si'ufanua and I are going to finish this transfer strong. We have two weeks to go, so we will see what we can do. But it has been a pretty great week. Spiritual highlight of the week. We have a man in our branch who wants his wife to join the church. So we have been teaching her. Recently we taught her about the Book of Mormon, she has had one for a while because of her husband, but now we were able to talk to her and answer her questions. Up until now she has had a hard time understanding the English in the Book. So she hasn't really been getting too much out of it. Then on Saturday she was stuck on the introduction (she had started over to try and understand more). Her husband came home from work and she mentioned her struggle. He asked if she had prayed. No. Then why not ask for our Heavenly Father's help. So that is what she did. Fast forward a couple of hours when we can for our appointment later in the afternoon. She was in 1 Nephi 10. And she understood pretty good. She told us what was going on, asked us a little of pronouncing, and a couple of other questions. And boom the spirit had helped her understanding grow. It was really cool. She was grateful for the understanding she received. To add to this she even connected her experience with Nephi and his experience of getting the plates from Laban. It was really a special moment. If only everyone had the faith to ask God and then keep on reading. Too often are we caught up in what we can't do or what we don't know that we stop moving forward. But then where is the growth? That was pretty cool.

Dad, thanks from that great quote from President Eyring. That love is important in all relationships. And it does have great application to missionaries and missionary work. 
What a great question! Children's game unique to over here. Come to think about it there isn't really anything too different over here. But i will keep my eyes open now. Maybe i will stumble upon something. Most of the time for family home evenings we need to bring the games. So it is just those things i know. 
But did i ever tell you that i was shopping in PE once and found the game abalone ( or however you spell that marble game you have) out of all the place i found it, it was in a shoprite in South Africa. Felt close to home for a moment. 
My studies have been simple this week. I was preparing for my talk. It was Elder Hales "Protecting Agency, Preserving Religious Freedom." So every day prior to Sunday i had read through the talk thinking about what i must speak about. It was probably one of the hardest topics i had been given. Very deep. But i think i pulled it off. Had a lot of Heavenly help on that one. It is amazing how much our agency and our religious freedom it being attacked. And it is up to us to use our agency to stand up for this freedom. 
Time is going too fast. Don't blink. But the memories will be priceless. The Gardners, a senior couple here a while ago came back to visit. We have been able to sit and talk and even make some visits with them. They remember so well the experiences they had here. The people. And so forth. Mission truely causes you to put your heart into a place. This has become a people that i love so dear. 
Okay one last thing dad. You mentioned that you don't have any a/c right now. I am sorry. Here in SA there is not normally an ac unit in our flats. No central heating either. It is down to the blankets and the fans. It has taken some adjusting but i think it will now be weird to have it any other way. Change is great that way.
I love you Dad!

Mom, thanks for the email. I love it. The emails don't have to be long, it is just great to hear from you. So this week i was reminded that i have a mission blog. Thanks for keeping that going for me. I even got to see Brys. Good to see that he is well. 
Thanks for reminding me of Wyatt. Miss that guy a lot. That is one cool thing i like around here is the kids. I will be driving down the street and they get all excited. It is so cool. Sharp sharp. Kids and memories. Thanks for the funnies. They were really funny. And congrats on the indexing victory.But yeah, this has been a pretty simple week. I taught institute this week. It was good. One of these days i will actually be able to go to an institute class of my own. One day. But Mom thanks for everything.
I love you Mom!!

Bryant, this week we celebrated heritage day. It also was national braai day (that is pronounce national bry day). So that is something that i will remember about South African holidays. Happy National Braai Day. 
I love you Bryant!

Meagan, you will get to Idaho with all of the work you have been doing. Just keeping working hard. I am happy ballroom is finally going to Idaho, that has been the plan since i was in 10th grade. I am happy you are able to experience it. With all of the dancing you have been doing, i can't wait to see you perform. You are so great. Hope you have a great week. Love you Meagan!!

Heidi, i love yard sells. Can't wait to see another good one. You are almost on break. What are you going to do? Enjoy the break. Keep working hard and have some fun. Hug Mom and Dad for me. Love you Heidi!

Jera, thanks for the pictures. I will one day get better at sending pictures. It is hard being a driver, i have to drive to PE rather than take the picture of the trip. Luckily me companion is getting some for me. But i will get more soon. But one day we will have a bog slide show pf my few mission pictures. That will be great.
Love you Jera!

Well i hope you all have a great week. Make the most of it. Love you and miss you all. Keep up your good work. 
Lov, Elder Pennington the Elder

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