Sunday, October 25, 2015

Oct 19th 2015

Hey You Guys,

Where does the time go. For one it is hard to believe that it is Monday again. But also I have to apologize again, this Monday has escaped us, so my letter will be kind of short. Sorry. But I will try and make it good. 
For starters, transfer week has come and gone. I now have my new companion. Elder Katwala. We have been having a good time together. I have a feeling that my time with him will be great. 
On Tuesday when we went to PE, we were told to stay at the Motherwell boarding. Memories. Too much. Weird to think that it has been about a year since I first headed to Motherwell. Elder Mei's year mark is coming up now. Oh and have I mentioned that he is now in my district. He is serving in Knysna. Which is nice because then I will be able to for sure see him before I go. 
Which brings me to my next order of business. I got an email from the mission office. I need to give them some info that will allow me to fly home.To make things easy I just sent the form to you Mom. I think for the most part I just need the international airport. Thanks.

Anywho, it was a pretty good week. Nothing too crazy. But looking forward to great weeks to come. :)

Dad, I look forward to reading that talk about prayer. I have been trying to get even better in my prayers. I am happy to hear about the work going on at home. I find it interesting to hear stories about sister missionaries. We don't have any over here. 
That is cool about President Riggs. I don't know the name. He is probably in the zone leaders area. But yeah PE needs strong men like him on the high counsel. It is a good stake.
Heidi is a great young lady. Growing up too fast. 
And yes the flight was crazy, but i think the adrenaline of mission got me through it. And the nerves of going home will get me through it again :) But it was long and okay. 
I loved Elder Christoffersons talk, i wrote the most notes on that. We come across people all the time. Many roads lead to the top of the mountain. Summed it up nice. Straight and narrow. Things are good here though. Enjoying every moment. Trying to make the most of every moment as well. 
Well Dad, I love you So much!!
I miss your Sunday school class too. Things happen, but that is where a secure anchor in the gospel helps. Thanks for helping me secure my anchor. 
Keep up the good work that you are doing. You are now more involved in missionary work. Thanks for doing your part. 
Thanks for filling out the form. The email should still work. Thanks :)
And thanks for letting me know how much is on the card. That will be perfect. 
And thanks for all of the wonderful pictures. I like the new haircut. I plan on getting my haircut soon. I never know what to ask the person. I am too easy going when it comes to my hair. :)
Mom, thanks for everything you have done for me. I love you so much!!

Bry, I don't know what kind of tracker, but i do know I can't go more that 120 Ks without it going off. But it is okay because the mission speed is 100Kmh so I do okay without the tracker going off. But the corrolla is nice. Probably a bit better than the aveo. Especially the Etios Which is like a tin can on wheels. In the wind it shakes so much. :)
I will enjoy the heat of summer for you over here. 
Love You Brother!

Meagan, Alex and Monster Mash sound like fun. :) Say hello to everyone you think might know me :) But two parties in a day is nice. I am happy you enjoyed the week. Keep Calm and Party on  :) Love you Meagan!!!

Heidi, I love the pictures. Especially the heart one. You are a clever little one aren't you. You are growing up quick quick. That is great indexing for anyone. I think you are 10 times better than me. I get like 40 names a week. Keep up the great missionary work. 
That is a cool dream you had though. It would be fun to play with President Monson. He is a really good man. Well Heidi I love you!!!

Jera, there is nothing too crazy here. But I do think I will bring home some Rooibos tea. Really interesting stuff that is. But weird how fast the time is going. And then there were two...
I am trying to get some little nik naks and things but, I never really get the time to do so. But hopefully I will bring home a trunk load of memories. :)
Thanks Jera. I am happy to know that I am not the only Pennington tea drinker :) I love you!!!

Well, how is that for a short email. I am sorry it didn't get to you before school, but know that it is a good FHE thing :) But I do love you all so very much. I hope you had a great day and look forward to talking again next week. :) :) :) :)

Love Elder Pennington the Elder

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