Monday, July 27, 2015

July 27th 2015

Hey You Guys!!
Well I have gotten through transfer week alive :) I am looking forward to these upcoming weeks. This week has been pretty good. Nothing too crazy went on. On Tuesday I was fed pretty good. The office couples (the Petersons and the Halversens) made chili and cake and stuff. It was very good. Then we had pizza with President and Sister Merrill, the APs, and the New Elder. Then we went to Brother Anyways and they even made a little snack. A lot of good food. 
The last couple of days Elder Malatji and I have been going around making introductions and also doing some clean up of our teaching pool. Seeing who is interested and wants to continue or not. But this has led to many opportunities to find. Met some cool people this week. One of which was Robert from Zim. He was a chess teacher at one of the schools around here. Holidays came and he was out of a job. Lost his house and soon after he lost the car he was sleeping in. We started talking with him and he asked for something practical that he could do. We introduced the Book of Mormon and testified of how if he daily seeks guidance from Heaven, God will help lead and guide him. A powerful lesson, had on the street. This Gospel does change lives. If I didn't know that I probably wouldn't be here right now. But This is the time to prepare to meet God. And the Gospel helps us along that path of righteousness. I do love this work!
But yeah it has been a pretty simple week. 
Dad, Thanks for the Mission Statement. That is something I should probably take a good look at and create now. To think about what is truly important and what matters most to me. What I am willing to fight for! Governing Values. Thanks for your wise words of support and encouragement. I love you Dad! 
Wait so Dad you are now part of the High Council. Is this added upon everything else? Or have you been released from your other callings. Also are you also working in the temple? But Thanks for your good example. I love you!
Mom, It has been a good week. I can't believe I am 20 either. I am no longer a teen. That is a weird thought. Crazy how time moves forward... luckily it is only one day at a time :) Thanks for your thoughts on covenants and the like. To recognize our eternal worth. What we mean to God. Something that helps us become the person that God desires us to become. He does love us so much. 
I am sorry everything seems a little short. My mind is running all over the place right now. You know me. But everything is pretty good right now. I am doing great. Thanks for being such a great Mom. I love you!
Bryant, I hope you have a very Happy Birthday. You are now 19. That is pretty crazy! I love you Brother! Keep working hard at giving them Heaven! Love ya Brother!
Meagan, Sounds like you have a pretty cra schedule. You can do it. I know you can! You will do well. Well hope that you enjoy the last couple of days of summer. Did you make the most of it as Phenias and Ferb? Summer has not yet come upon us yet here in South Africa but school is back in session around here and that has provided a different vibe around here. You are the best. Love you Meagan!
Heidi, Thanks for the birthday song. You will be having fun in 6th grade. I had Mr. Davis in 6th grade. It was kind of fun. If you work hard you will get through it. You are the best! Love you Skater Girl :)
Jera, Hope you have a great week! Love you!!
 Again sorry it is kind of shorter. It feels like one of those days :) But thanks for everything, I love you all so very much. 
Love, Elder Pennington the Elder

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